Suggest additions by email or on Discord
Platform documentation - guides to the photon; get familiar with these!
Community - discussion board with code samples, tutorials and projects
Hackster Channel - well documented examples of projects created using particle
There are two main ways to develop your code for Particle Projects. You can either use Particle Build (an online IDE) and write your code in the browser or you can use Particle Dev (a desktop IDE available for Windows, Linux and OSX ) to write code on your computer. Particle Dev is recommended.
For more advanced users, the Particle Command Line Interface (CLI) is extremely useful for code development, firmware deployment, device management and more. See also the CLI Docs
Particle Console - an invaluable tool for seeing the status of your devices, calling functions, checking variables, monitoring events and more.
Particle Rules Engine - a NodeRed drag-and-drop editor that allows you to quickly create cloud-based interactions with your microcontroller like triggering a SMS, email or notification to be sent when a variable changes, or periodically refreshing data from an API and relaying it to your device.
Fritzing is a really useful (and free!) tool to help you develop circuit diagrams, plan your boards, etc. Useful for your documentation. Particle also has some Fritzing parts in this repo.
JS Library for the Particle Cloud API - javascript framework for particle devices
Particle Cloud SDK for iOS - mobile framework for particle devices; “enables iOS apps to interact with Particle-powered connected products”. Also Particle Android Cloud SDK
Particle Source - is a complete, open source, full-stack solution for cloud-connected devices.
Libraries allow you to add useful, reusable extensions to your code development projects. To find verified Libraries for Particle, either open the online build tool and click on the Libraries icon, or open the Desktop dev tool and do the same. Below are a list of useful libraries:
Neopixel - library for manipulating NeoPixel RGB LEDs for the Spark Core, Particle Photon, P1 and Electron.
Adafruit SSD1306 - the library to interact with the Serial OLED Screen in your maker kits.
DS18B20 - a library that supports the Dallas 1-Wire protocol for the DS18B20 temperature sensor included in your Maker Kit
FastLED and the Photon version
RGB Controls for Particle - simple library for fading individual RGB LEDs.
Particle’s MakerKit examples
Example Arduino Sketches and Examples
Sparkfun Tutorials incl. Intro to Basic Electronics and Photon Development Guide
Fritzing Getting started
Arduino Programming Cheat Sheet - a useful one pager on the Wiring language.
CreativeApplications: IoT and Arduino projects
Particle Projects on -
Particle Community Forums on the community forums
IOTList houses an incredible list of currently available consumer products. A great resource. But here’s some other big consumer IoT products to take a look at:
Nest’s Intelligent Smoke Alarm and Thermostat and Hello
Amazon Echo and Google Home
Smart Locks: August, Lockitron, Sesame and Amazon Key
Tag Finders: Tile
Roost - smart battery
Connected Cars: Automatic, Verizon Hum
If This Then That -
Zapier -
Temboo -
DataHub - -
In this course we use the Particle Argon, but there are a range of other devices that can allow you to build connected products and projects.
Particle Mesh’s Xenon and Boron - offer a BLE and cellular version of the Argon; both of which are enabled for Mesh local networking based on OpenThread just like the Argon.
Particle Photon - the previous generation of WiFi enabled microcontrollers from Particle.
Particle Electron - supports the dev of IoT applications over cellular communications (2G, 3G)
The Bluz and RedBear Duo both use the Particle framework but support BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) communciations. [Update: RedBear is now owned by Particle and no longer makes the Duo.]
Raspberry Pi’s also play nice with the Particle framework but allow you to program more advanced computation (e.g. camera based applications, audio recording/sensing, interaction with USB periperhals, interaction with screens, etc.) [Note: The Raspi Agent is no longer actively maintained.]
Amazon AWS IoT
Adafruit IO - see also the basics guide